Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Craft Update

My goal of two scarves this week did not happen. Boo. We decided to do a few quick home renos this past weekend that had been a plan for a couple of years. Replacing a door and covering up some pipes took much longer than anticipated, and now we need an additional weekend to complete the projects! So sadly, my crocheting took a backseat. I did start a new skinny scarf and I hope to finish it by next week, but with this weekends house hunting in a different city, who knows if it will be done?!


Christina Lowry said...

Can you maybe try a bit of crochet in the car?! I have been known to do that on the odd occassion...


Maria Rose said...

I agree, crocheting in the car is a great way to get biz-ness done!


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