Monday, April 27, 2009

Gross? Nah...

My friend Monica makes fun of me when I mention to her about one of my favorite "snacks". In fact, a lot of people have told me that they think this is weird, but why? Peanut butter and carrots. Yum! Why would people think this is so odd/gross? We put peanut butter on celery and apples, right? So why not carrots!?! I had gotten a serious craving for this they other day, so I had to bust out the ingredients (can't be easier than two!) and chow down. Ah... food heaven. Go ahead, try it. You will like it! Monica did end up trying it once after many times of me trying to get her to, and she did finally admit that it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be! Hmm.. now where did I put those carrots?

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

That sounds pretty good to me...


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